The Valley Group

Valley and Bayer do it again at Superdrug Suppliers Awards

October 30, 2023

← Valley and Bayer do it again at Superdrug Suppliers Awards

2023 Awards

Valley x Bayer

Our commitment to delivering exceptional in-store shopper experiences with Bayer has been recognised at the Superdrug Supplier Awards 2023! The awards are a testament to the dedication and creativity that goes into developing outstanding retail experiences for Superdrug shoppers. Our long-term partnership with Bayer, a global leader in healthcare, has allowed us to push the boundaries and bring these innovative displays to life.

The first award won by Bayer, Healthcare Supplier of the Year, underlines our collective dedication to creating eye-catching and engaging in-store displays, whilst delivering important healthcare messages to shoppers. The second award, Best Online, Offline Collaboration, signifies our commitment to working hand-in-hand with our partners to achieve remarkable results. The recognition for our unique, interactive category aisle fins would not have been possible without the strong collaboration between our team and Bayer and their drive to constantly innovate to bring new experiences to the shopper.

In a highly competitive market, winning these awards is a testament to our team’s hard work, creativity, and commitment to delivering excellence. We’re grateful for the trust and support we’ve received from Bayer and the opportunity to contribute to Superdrug’s success.

These awards not only validate our efforts but also serve as a reminder of the importance of continuous innovation in the retail industry. We remain dedicated to setting new standards, raising the bar, and creating exceptional in-store displays that leave a lasting impact.

Click here to see how we create award winning in-store experiences

‘Our long-term partnership with Bayer is a testament to the success we achieve together in retail. We are thrilled to receive this recognition from Superdrug, well done team!’

Holly Haggas, Global Account Manager, Valley