The Valley Group

NRF 2023: Can shopping aisles really be personalised?

January 18, 2023

Giving in-store shoppers the ability to filter products the way they can online is an exciting prospect. We love the idea of being able to turn every shopping aisle into a personalised shopper experience- from product recommendations to promotions even allergy specific information in FMCG sectors.

One innovation that really caught our eye at NRF was Graffiti. The no app needed platform which uses AR to instantly overlay information onto physical product, combining the benefits of online shopping with the unrivalled convenience of purchasing in-store. By scanning a QR code on the display, products become hotspots allowing the shopper instant access to product information. Reviews, product demos, sustainability information and transactions, even advice from sales staff and experts are delivered instantly to the shopper making product comparisons easy.

By pointing a smartphone camera at a display, the shopper is given access to real time product filtering.

This is ideal for shoppers with allergies or intolerances who can instantly identify safe products without the need to read the ingredient listings on each item.

Graffiti also offers brands valuable real time data and insight at point of purchase, a proposition which can be enhanced further with a geo targeted technology such as TapScan.

Are you as excited as we are about this technology? Drop us a line to find out more about how we are making retail come alive

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